data integration specialist superbadge challenge 5

But then in the lens, I can't see the Acreage to sum by that. I just tried that and it I still keep getting this error. Data Integration Specialist Superbadge Challenge 2 I am trying to register Configure Org Registration where I have to use a custom Heroku app to register my org. I was able to pass the above step and stuck at step # 6 for creating the lens.Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't confirm these are the correct values in the lens. thanks a lot. Check the challenge and confirm the node name and required fields.I have deleted and recreated the dataset and the dataflow; no luck.Thanks!Karen. i have completed my step 7 already but could not proceed because of step 6 issues. Im not sure were to start. Data Integration Specialist: Challenge 5: Why Is This Not Working? I have made several attempts. I was able to complete Data Preparation Super badge, now I am doing Einstein Analytics and Discovery Insights Specialist and stuck at step # 3 (Calculate Subscriber Acquisition Costs)Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't confirm the Subscriber Revenue chart is filtering by the Tenure Length toggle. Either the node didn't find any matches, or a join key contains only null values. Hi Rebecca,in #6 for building Seed Bank Temp Class lens, they mentioned the dataset as " Seed Bank" but from the zip i do not see any flat file with that name, i could see only seed chart and seed bank orders please let me know which file i need to upload for dataset? When you start a create a new report, simply click to start with a clean screen. I don't understand what you mean. Salesforce Trailhead Superbadge 'Data Integration Specialist' Data Integration Specialist is one of the superbadges of Salesforce trailhead (A New Approach to Learning Salesforce). "Augment TempClass": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "left": "Filter 2015", "right": "Add Temp Class", "relationship": "Climate", "operation": "LookupSingleValue", "left_key": [ "Country" ], "right_key": [ "Country" ], "right_select": [ "TempClass", "Country", "Date", "Temperature"This Worked. { "Add Temp Class": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Define Temp Range", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "defaultValue": "Continental", "name": "TempClass", "saqlExpression": "\"case when Temperature < 25 then \\\"Polar\\\" when Temperature >= 25 and Temperature <= 50 then \\\"Cool\\\" when Temperature >= 51 and Temperature <= 85 then \\\"Continental\\\" when Temperature > 85 then \\\"Tropical\\\" end\"", "label": "TempClass", "type": "Text" } ] } }, "Calculate Acreage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Load Seed Chart", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "precision": 18, "name": "Acreage", "saqlExpression": "(Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640", "scale": 6, "label": "Acreage", "type": "Numeric" } ] } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "name": "Seed Bank Agencies", "alias": "seed_bank_agencies", "source": "CleanUp" } }, "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Seed_Chart" } }, "Augment Temp Class": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "right_key": [ "TempClass" ], "left": "Add Temp Class", "left_key": [ "TempClass" ], "right_select": [ "TempKey", "TempClass" ], "right": "Load Temp Class Mapping", "relationship": "Climate", "operation": "LookupSingleValue" } }, "Load Temp Class Mapping": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Temperature_Classes_Mapping", } }, "CleanUp": { "action": "sliceDataset", "parameters": { "mode": "drop", "source": "Augment Temp Class", "fields": [ { "name": "HighTemp" }, { "name": "LowTemp" } ] } }, "Define Temp Range": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Calculate Acreage", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "defaultValue": "0", "precision": 18, "name": "LowTemp", "saqlExpression": "string_to_number(substr(Temperature, 1, 2))", "scale": 2, "label": "LowTemp", "type": "Numeric" }, { "defaultValue": "0", "precision": 18, "name": "HighTemp", "saqlExpression": "string_to_number(substr(Temperature, -2, 2))", "scale": 2, "label": "HighTemp", "type": "Numeric" } ] } }}. Hi ,i am getting " The dataflow was completed, but the LookupSingleValue node didn't augment any columns. Confirm the node name matches the name as described in the challenge.Here is the JSON{ "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Load_Seed_Chart" } }, "Calculate Acreage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "mergeWithSource": true, "source": "Load Seed Chart", "computedFields": [ { "type": "Numeric", "precision": 18, "scale": 6, "saqlExpression": " (Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640", "name": "Acreage", "label": "Acreage" } ] } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "alias": "CreateSeedBank", "name": "CreateSeedBank", "source": "Calculate Acreage" } }}, "Load Seed Chart": {"action": "edgemart","parameters": {"alias": "Load_Seed_Chart"- Change the alias name to "Seed_Chart" - Don't ask me why. :) "Create Seed Bank": {"action": "sfdcRegister","parameters": {"alias": "CreateSeedBank","name": "CreateSeedBank","source": "Calculate Acreage"- Change Name and Alias name. The superbadge is specially designed for learning and testing integrations between different systems. error in challenge 6. Processes. These challenges are super tricky with syntax! Key value should be the same. Thanks! Now I am getting this lens error,Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't confirm these are the correct values in the lens. i'm not able to understand what exactly is wrong with my approach.My approach:1. uploaded Seed Chart.txt from resource to create a dataset in mosiac app.2. },"CreateSeedBankAgencies":{"action":"sfdcRegister","parameters":{"name":"SeedBankAgencies","alias":"seed_bank_agencies","source":"AugmentTempClass"I have different spacing in the name.My original thought was with the "augument" step- because I have seen this throw errors a ton of times if "account number" was not explicitly selected in both data sets. Please check your work. "I'm publishing my JSON file just to see what I'm really missing (I would really appreciate if someone knows what's going on), { "Add Temp Class": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Filter 2015", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "defaultValue": "Continental", "name": "TempClass", "saqlExpression": "case when Temperature < 25 then \"Polar\" when Temperature >= 25 and Temperature <= 50 then \"Cool\" when Temperature >= 51 and Temperature <= 85 then \"Continental\" when Temperature > 85 then \"Tropical\" end ", "label": "TempClass", "type": "Text" } ] } }, "Filter Agency Records": { "action": "filter", "parameters": { "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE", "source": "ID Agency Records" } }, "Load Account": { "action": "sfdcDigest", "parameters": { "fields": [ { "name": "Name" }, { "name": "AccountNumber" }, { "name": "Phone" }, { "name": "ShippingCity" }, { "name": "ShippingCountry" }, { "name": "ShippingState" }, { "name": "ShippingStreet" }, { "name": "ShippingPostalCode" } ], "object": "Account" } }, "Create Seed Bank Agencies": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "rowLevelSecurityFilter": "", "name": "Seed Bank Agencies", "alias": "seed_bank_agencies", "source": "Augment TempClass" } }, "Load Climate": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Global_Climates" } }, "Add Agency Fields": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "right_key": [ "AccountNumber" ], "left": "Load Account", "left_key": [ "AccountNumber" ], "right_select": [ "SubRegion", "Region", "Longitude", "Latitude", "Currency", "Acres" ], "right": "Load Agency Detail", "relationship": "AgencyDetail", "operation": "LookupSingleValue" } }, "Filter 2015": { "action": "filter", "parameters": { "filter": "Date:EQ:2015", "source": "Load Climate" } }, "Augment TempClass": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "right_key": [ "Country" ], "left": "Filter Agency Records", "left_key": [ "ShippingCountry" ], "right_select": [ "Temperature", "Date", "Country", "TempClass" ], "right": "Add Temp Class", "relationship": "Climate", "operation": "LookupSingleValue" } }, "Load Agency Detail": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Agency_Detail" } }, "ID Agency Records": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Add Agency Fields", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "name": "IsAgency", "saqlExpression": "case when \"Phone\" is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FASLE\" end", "label": "IsAgency", "type": "Text" } ] } }}. Step 5 - A quiz. The report is a beta feature.We welcome your feedback on IdeaExchange.Flow DetailsFlow Name: X5_Automation_oppType: WorkflowVersion: 4Status: ActiveFlow Interview DetailsInterview Label: X5_Automation_opp-4_InterviewLabelCurrent User: Henrique Ortiz (0051I000000LP7k)Start time: 12/6/2017 2:00 PMDuration: 0 secondsHow the Interview StartedHenrique Ortiz . Hi,i'm on challenge-6 and i created a dataflow called "Load Seed Bank Agencies w/Climate Data" but this dataflow is failing when i'm trying to run it.Error:Something went wrong while executing the Filter 2015 node: invalid field expression for field 'Date_Year': Syntax Error at position [line 1: column 11] after token Unexpected character ':' :: ;Date_Year:EQ:2015;posting JSON in other comment. Check the challenge and confirm required field setting. I guess I am glad I am not the only one? },"CleanUp": {"action": "sliceDataset","parameters": {"mode": "drop","source": "Augment Temp Class","fields": [{"name": "TempClass"},{"name": "TempKey"},{"name": "Climate.lowtemp"},{"name": "Climate.hightemp"}this is incorrect. },"Augment TempClass": {"action": "augment","parameters": {"left": "Load Seed Bank Agencies","right": "Add Temp Class","relationship": "Climate","operation": "LookupSingleValue","left_key": ["ShippingCountry"],"right_key": ["Country"],"right_select": ["TempClass"This is not correct. Are this numbers correct?Thanks, Antonio. I am getting this error from step 4Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't find the 'Load Seed Chart' node in the dataflow. oops i got it solved. The ProjectTrigger does not appear to be calling 'BillingCalloutService.callBillingService ()' and passing in the collection of old and new records. Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters. I am also stuck in Challenge4. (Trailhead Baby was 'gone fishing' this weekend, and didn't check for comments! I actually deleted the dataflow and recreated it, too. Hi Trailhead Baby,Please help me. (Working on the advanced billing specialist! (IE- I don't see it in your right select) I also have one additional character in this SAQL"saqlExpression":"casewhenPhoneisnotnullthen\"TRUE\"else\"FALSE\"end", Eureka! I have created lens for Agency Temp Class, it has Continental 155, Polar 120 and Cool 66 based on Seed Bank Agencies Data Set.Another lens Seed Bank Temp Class based on Seed Bank Data Set has Cool-Continental-Tropical 3Continental-Tropical 2Cool-Continental 2Continental 1Cool 1. I am getting this error from step 4 Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't find the 'Load Seed Chart' node in the dataflow. You, my amazing reader, get more than tips for a Salesforce Superbadge. Hi Mithilesh, Can you please tell me what was the mistake you were doing because even i followed the same steps and i am still facing the error. wrong data? I just checked the seed chart flat file, and i could see that Acreage filed itself is not present, so i downloaded the zip file again and found that there is no filed called Acreage in it as well , i found this when i clicked on output fields of Load Seed Chart: edgemart.please let me know if this is the case and if yes how can i fix it? Check the required fields, field types, node name, and alias are correct. The trickiest part is the formulas for Definie Temp Range and Add TempClass. Hi there.I made the changes as you suggested and still receiving the same error. No. What I did wrong? Check the challenge and confirm the node name and required fields{ "Calculate Acreage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Load Seed Chart", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "precision": 18, "name": "Acreage", "saqlExpression": " (Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640", "scale": 6, "label": "Acreage", "type": "Numeric" } ] } }, "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Seed_Chart" } }, "Load Temp Class Mapping": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Temperature_Classes_Mapping" } }, "Define Temp Range": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "mergeWithSource": true, "source": "Calculate Acreage", "computedFields": [ { "type": "Numeric", "name": "LowTemp", "label": "LowTemp", "saqlExpression": "string_to_number(substr(Temperature, 1, 2))", "precision": 18, "scale": 2 }, { "type": "Numeric", "name": "HighTemp", "label": "HighTemp", "saqlExpression": "string_to_number(substr(Temperature, -2, 2))", "precision": 18, "scale": 2 } ] } }, contd"Add Temp Class": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "mergeWithSource": true, "source": "Define Temp Range", "computedFields": [ { "type": "Text", "name": "TempClass", "label": "TempClass", "saqlExpression": "case when Temperature < \"25\" then \"Polar\" \nwhen Temperature >= \"25\" and Temperature <= \"50\" then \"Cool\" when Temperature >= \"51\" and Temperature <= \"85\" then \"Continental\" \nwhen Temperature > \"85\" then \"Tropical\" \nend", "precision": 18 } ] } }, "Augment Temp Class": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "operation": "LookupSingleValue", "left": "Add Temp Class", "relationship": "Climate", "right": "Load Temp Class Mapping", "left_key": [ "TempClass" ], "right_key": [ "TempKey" ], "right_select": [ "TempClass" ] } }, "CleanUp": { "action": "sliceDataset", "parameters": { "mode": "drop", "fields": [ { "name": "HighTemp" }, { "name": "LowTemp" }, { "name": "TempClass" } ], "source": "Augment Temp Class" } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "source": "CleanUp", "alias": "Seed_Bank", "name": "Seed Bank" } }}. If someone could guide me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it. "left_key": ["TempKey"],"right_key": ["TempClass"I think this is the issue. No Even after that it is not working it says We can't find the 'Load Seed Chart' node in the dataflow. thanks.~. "Filter 2015": { "action": "filter", "parameters": { "filter": "Date_Year:EQ:2015", "source": "Load Climate" } }, "Augment TempClass": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "right_key": [ "Country" ], "left": "Filter Agency Records", "left_key": [ "ShippingCountry" ], "right_select": [ "Country", "Date", "TempClass", "Temperature" ], "right": "Add Temp Class", "relationship": "Climate", "operation": "LookupSingleValue" } }, "Load Agency Detail": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Agency_Detail" } }, "ID Agency Records": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "source": "Add Agency Fields", "mergeWithSource": true, "computedFields": [ { "name": "IsAgency", "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end", "label": "IsAgency", "type": "Text" } ] } }}I had to copy in two comments, it was to large. still i'm facing the same issue. Data Security Specialist Superbadge : Working with Data Categorization and Access | challenge 1Answer questions relating to the Data Categorization and Acces. Report Modifications: Sales Two words: Filter Logic Support If you get this errortry stacking to 100% and make sure that you have a "horizontal" style chart. Sorry but where i can get the right alias and name, and this goes beyond the question. Lol, },"AddAgencyFields":{"action":"augment","parameters":{"right_key":["AccountNumber"],"left":"LoadAccount","left_key":["AccountNumber"],"right_select":["Acres","Currency","Latitude","Longitude","Region","SubRegion"],--- Can't match on field that is not in both data sets. Thanks in Advance (split in 2 for upload reasons){ "Load Temp Class Mapping": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Temperature_Classes_Mapping" } }, "Load Seed Bank": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "seed_bank" } }, "Define Temp Range": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "mergeWithSource": true, "source": "Load Seed Bank", "computedFields": [ { "type": "Numeric", "name": "lowTemp", "label": "lowTemp", "saqlExpression": "string_to_number(substr(Temperature,1,2))", "precision": 18, "scale": 6 }, { "type": "Numeric", "name": "highTemp", "label": "highTemp", "saqlExpression": "string_to_number(substr(Temperature,-2,2))", "precision": 18, "scale": 6 } ] } }, "Add Temp Class": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "mergeWithSource": true, "source": "Define Temp Range", "computedFields": [ { "type": "Text", "name": "TempClass", "label": "TempClass", "saqlExpression": "\"case \\nwhen lowTemp < 25 and highTemp < 25 then \\\"Polar\\\" \\nwhen lowTemp >= 25 and lowTemp <= 50 and highTemp >= 25 and highTemp <= 50 then \\\"Cool\\\"\\nwhen lowTemp >= 51 and lowTemp <= 85 and highTemp >= 51 and highTemp <= 85 then \\\"Continental\\\"\\nwhen lowTemp > 85 and highTemp > 85 then \\\"Tropical\\\"\\nwhen lowTemp < 25 and (highTemp >= 25 and highTemp <= 50) then \\\"Polar-Cool\\\" \\nwhen lowTemp < 25 and (highTemp >= 25 and highTemp <= 85) then \\\"Polar-Cool-Continental\\\" \\nwhen lowTemp < 25 and highTemp > 85 then \\\"Polar-Cool-Continental-Tropical\\\" \\nwhen (lowTemp >= 25 and lowTemp <= 50) and (highTemp >= 51 and highTemp <= 85) then \\\"Cool-Continental\\\" \\nwhen (lowTemp >= 25 and lowTemp <= 50) and highTemp >= 85 then \\\"Cool-Continental-Tropical\\\" \\nwhen (lowTemp >= 51 and lowTemp <= 85) and highTemp > 85 then \\\"Continental-Tropical\\\" \\nend\"" } ] } }, Second part:"CleanUp": { "action": "sliceDataset", "parameters": { "mode": "drop", "fields": [ { "name": "highTemp" }, { "name": "lowTemp" }, { "name": "TempClass" } ], "source": "Augment Temp Class" } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "source": "CleanUp", "alias": "seed_bank", "name": "Seed Bank" } }, "Augment Temp Class": { "action": "augment", "parameters": { "operation": "LookupSingleValue", "left": "Add Temp Class", "left_key": [ "TempClass" ], "relationship": "Climate", "right": "Load Temp Class Mapping", "right_key": [ "TempKey" ], "right_select": [ "TempClass" ] } }}, Following error:Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong:We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. So close! A tag already exists with the provided branch name. :). I am the Trailhead Baby! I have finally made the super badge today ! If you could kindly give me some insight as i fear i'm missing something here. To complete the challenges, you need to pre-populate the Account object with data associated with this superbadge. Challenge 5: Test callout logic. Hi, i'm stuck at #4.I get the error We can't find the Seed Bank dataset or required fields are missing. "However, I'm getting this error:"The dataflow was completed, but the Augment TempClass node didn't augment any columns. It also removed the approval steps from Process Builder and highlighted (with *'s) the prerequisite items to building my process. Data Integration Specialist : What You'll Be Doing to Earn This SuperbadgeConfigure outbound application and integration securityConfigure inbound integratio. Getting the following warning when running the dataflow:Load Seed Bank Agencies w/Climate DataThe dataflow was completed, but the LookupSingleValue node didn't augment any columns. Executive Report Tips: SolarBot Loyalty Revenue This report is tricky, but I don't want to give away the solution! Name and alias element are really painful with this challenges i had this worked out by trial and error method and it worked back then, please try below and let me know if that knows"name": "Seed Chart","alias": "Seed_Chart". If you post your revised JSON, I'll take a look. I solved this by putting the opportunity record and project record into separate list and performing DML on the list. Apex Specialist SuperBadge 5. I only see one temp.class on my lens- just the one with 155. I think I have the correct dataflow "Load Seed Bank Agencies w/Climate Data" What could it be? I have deleted the old workspace in workspace manager in the console as it could be corrupt. created a dataflow with name "Load Seed Bank" . Hi , Load Seed Bank w/Temperature Classification when ran ,getting an error like below" The dataflow was completed, but the LookupSingleValue node didn't augment any columns. Please check your work.What should be the values for both lens ?Waiting for your response.Thanks, Please share some details about what you have. Please check your work. Right now he' taking a I'm off to edit some reports! There is not a field named Acreage in the zip file - It is a field you create by calculation within the data flow. This special superbadge is designed to test how well you really grasped the underlying material and not just walk you through yet another predictable tutorial. I made it through all of the tempkey/temp class definitions, and everything appears to run fine but when I go to check the step in trailhead I get this "We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly" error. What You'll be Doing to Earn This Superbadge Configure outbound application and integration security Configure inbound integration security Synchronize Salesforce data with external systems Synchronize external system data with Salesforce Test Apex REST and SOAP callout and service logic hi ,unable to find error in step 4 { "Calculate Acreage": { "action": "computeExpression", "parameters": { "mergeWithSource": true, "source": "Load Seed Chart", "computedFields": [ { "type": "Numeric", "name": "Acreage", "label": "Acreage", "saqlExpression": "(Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640", "precision": 18, "scale": 6 } ] } }, "Load Seed Chart": { "action": "edgemart", "parameters": { "alias": "Seed_Chart" } }, "Create Seed Bank": { "action": "sfdcRegister", "parameters": { "source": "Calculate Acreage", "name": "Create Seed Bank", "alias": "CreateSeedBank" } }}. High Value Residential This report includes: 1 filter, 1 grouping, and 1 summarized field. Challenge 3: Schedule synchronization. such a silly mistake it was and i was stuck there for long. "Create Seed Bank": {"action": "sfdcRegister","parameters": {"source": "Calculate Acreage","alias": "Seed Bank","name": "Seed_Bank"Wrong alias and name. First of all , thanks for prompt reply.

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data integration specialist superbadge challenge 5

data integration specialist superbadge challenge 5